

Development of an aviation aerospace mechatronics technician curriculum


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Theoretical training in the drone industry based on STEM subjects in vet education
Introduction to the meaning of STEM STEM fields of study, directions

What is STEM

Science and technology subjects (called STEM - from the English language Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) explain the environment in which we find ourselves. Physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology describe the laws and processes of the surrounding nature, while informatics and computer science give us an idea of how things work technologies.



What are STEM subjects

STEM subjects will include mathematics, science, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, design and technology, computer science, engineering, programming, robotics and digital design.



How STEM influences modern learning

Realizing that one of the key components of future education is the development of 21st century skills, which have yet to be precisely defined and assessed, technology and science skills play an important role, so they are closely related to future employment and quality of life. In recent years, however, the field of STEM education has experienced various criticisms.



Bridging STEM disciplines in drone operations In which STEM areas can we use drones?

STEM learning directions in drone operation

As much as drones are today's devices, their relationship to STEM subjects is directly related. Drones use all 4 areas of STEM learning.



Teaching subjects in drone training Subjects

Drones in science subjects

  • Lifting power The dynamics of rowing
  • Lifting capacity - dead weight




In technological subjects

  • Introduction to mechatronics
  • Control systems and feedback mechanisms
  • Actuators and sensors
  • Electronic control systems and programming
  • Types of aircraft lighting systems
  • Electrical and optical principles of aircraft lighting
  • Installation and maintenance of aircraft lighting systems


Engineering subjects

  • Basic Electrical and Electronics Theory
  • Introduction to electrical and electronic systems in aircraft
  • Electrical and electronic theory and principles
  • Electrical safety and regulations
  • Electrical and electronic circuits and components
  • Introduction to avionics systems
  • Navigation and communication systems


In mathematical subjects

  • Battery capacity - consumption
  • Rotor area - lifting capacity


Summing up

Summing up



Is the future learning metods

Graduated you  will know how to handle wit drones


Drones are the future and we must know them

Keep up with the future today




STEM, connecting STEM subjects with drone operation, drone construction, drone operation


To understand how related STEM subjects are in the construction, operation, and application of drones. Be able to apply the knowledge gained in the training program in the operation of drones.


STEM subjects STEM subjects in the field of drones Course topics for drone operation STEM categories in drone training

Learning Outcomes

Diagnose problems and find solutions in drone operations.

Related Glossary

  • STEM

    Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics including biology, geography, physics, chemistry, design and technology, computer science, engineering, programming, robotics and digital design. One of the key components of future education is the development of 21st century skills, assessed, technology and science skills play an important role, so they are closely related to future employment and quality of life.

    Source: Link

  • STEM basad learning in drones

    Undoubtedly, interest in drones as a consumer product is growing. Thus, the demand for education and training around them is increasing. The STEM Drone Orientation is one example of a program that paves the way for STEM education for students.

  • Drone teaching subjects:

    When Leonardo da Vinci in the second half of the 15th century drew a sketch very similar to a modern unmanned aerial vehicle among other inventions, he probably did not think that four hundred years would pass until such devices would gradually acquire real outlines and applications. First of all, as has often happened elsewhere in the history of mankind, this innovation was pushed forward by wars and military needs, but in the XXI century, the development of technology has given unmanned aerial vehicles a victory march in the civilian world as well.

  • Drone robotics

    Drone robotics is the most advanced of robotics where you can learn soldering skills and microelectronics knowledge. As technologies develop, this knowledge and skills remain very relevant. Do you know a single electronic device without solder? And drones are a special electrotechnical device that must be soldered in such a way that no accidents affect its ability to continue operating. While learning to pilot drones, students develop spatial sense, the ability to concentrate, and strategic thinking.


Author: SIA “Dynamic University” 
Title: A study of the educational offer coverage and learner engagement in the STEM field.
Publisher:Ministry of Education and Science 
Date of Publication: 2021. june
URL: (Link)

Author: Techtarget
Title: drone
Date of Publication: Not specified

Title: Drones now and in the future.
Date of Publication: 8 march 2022

Author: tryengineering
Title: STEM Drone Orientation
Date of Publication: Not specified


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