

Entwicklung eines Lehrplans für Luft- und Raumfahrtmechatroniker.



Centro de Formación en Electricidad, Electrónica y Aeronáutica (Centro de Referencia Nacional en el Área Profesional de Máquinas Electromecánicas)

We belong to the Network of Vocational Training Centres for Employment of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment of the Community of Madrid.
Our training, preferably aimed at unemployed workers of Madrid, allows the obtaining of Professionalism Certificates or Training Certificates of different Professional Families. We are the National Reference Centre in the Professional Area of Electromechanical Devices of the Professional Family of Electricity and Electronics. The CRNs are characterised by being centres of innovation and experimentation that act as an institution at the service of vocational training systems to facilitate their competitiveness and quality, and to respond to changes in the demand for qualifications in the productive sectors.

We also provide labour intermediation and information and guidance services, both to companies and to employed and unemployed workers, on training offers and training itineraries. In addition, we develop mobility projects within the framework of the European programme "Erasmus +", to carry out internships in companies in European countries. We are currently leading a KA2 project called ReMain (REmote MAINtenance of Smart Industry Installations), which will improve the qualifications of VET students at European level in relation to the remote maintenance of smart industrial installations, providing training in the following fields:

1. Secure remote connection (Cybersecurity)

2. Remote corrective maintenance

3. Remote monitoring of installation variables and data acquisition

4. Remote updating of programmes
